Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meet Suzanne (Pronounced Susanna)

Suzanne is the pastor’s wife who lives here at the LAC campus. She has been a very good friend to me since my arrival. She is one that has this continuous abundant joy as well as this urgency to see people come to know Jesus personally.

When we first arrived she was asked to help me around the house until we hired a full time person. Her wage for one day was 1000 CFA. This is equal to $2.00. She swept and mopped floors, dusted, cleaned bathrooms, did dishes, and then she did our laundry by hand. When I expressed how blessed I was and went to pay her, she was very reluctant to take the money. Her response was, I did not help you to receive a wage. I helped you because I am so happy your family is here to help us share Jesus in our village.”

Fast forward to the morning 2 days ago…..

This is graphic and disturbing…Caution….

I was on the way home from taking the boys to school. I was slowed down due to an accident in the lane I was traveling. Chris and I have seen an accident all but three of the days we have been here and most include a death. This particular accident was the most graphic I had seen and was very disturbing to me. Though the police were there, they do not guide the traffic, you have to make your own way through. As I was working my way through the madness, I naturally looked over to look at the accident. There was a man in his late 50’s or early 60’s that had been killed. He had been hit and was either on a bike or a moto. His body was lying on the ground with a black sack lying over his head. People were just walking up to the body and moving the sac to see who it was. As I drove past the accident, my thoughts immediately turned to the Lord in prayer. Lord, please comfort those who possibly lost a husband, father, grandfather, uncle, brother, or friend. May the pain that they experience through this loss be something that will draw them into a relationship with you.

Now that afternoon….

Suzanne came over to visit. She asked me if I had gotten enough sleep because I did not look well. I instantly burst into tears and told her how heavy my heart was about the accident that morning and all the deaths I have seen on a daily basis. She lovingly held my arms and said, “Connie, this is the life in Burkina. Many, many people die every day and not just in moto accidents. People die everyday due to starvation, not having clean water or no water at all, disease, lack of medical treatment or the funds to get what is needed, and many other things.” She then again said, “Connie, this is the life in Burkina.”

At that moment, it clicked with me…. Her urgency made total sense now. When they wake up each day, they really have many more reasons to not know if it will be there last. I am very American and still compare everything here to America. My next thought was how blessed I am to be American and to have so many things that provide an easier/safer life. In the same breath, I felt that urgency that Suzanne has about people here needing to know about Jesus and giving them the opportunity to know Him personally.

Conviction quickly came. Just because life is safer and easier in America, it does not mean that our days are not numbered. I saw this clear picture of how we have so much at our finger tips that it causes a lack of need for the things of God. How many times I have not shared because I was busy or even too worried about what they would think or if I would have offended them. I do think it is important to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, but how many times have I had an excuse??!!

Please pray for our safety. Please pray for Suzanne, her husband Pastor Agabus, their son Jaackdiel, and their daughters Zezania and Grace. Pray for the people of Burkina to come to know Jesus in a real and personal way!

This is Suzanne painting for the first time.  She knew we were painting our home and she asked if she could come and learn.  She thought this would be a great way to minister to people.... Going in to their homes and helping them paint.  Again, she has an amazing heart.

This is Suzanne's kitchen that is out side their three room home.

Monday, February 22, 2010

40 Days of Prayer

Please join us in prayer for the next 40 days. We will be praying daily for our ministry and financial needs here in Burkina. We are asking the Lord to provide $40,000 in the next 40 days. We will be fasting every Monday during this time. Please join us in fasting as well. Even if you are not one that can give up food for a day, what about a meal? We know that prayer is the very core and essential to the work God has for us here.  See below our follow up newsletter...

As Chris and I were praying this morning about our financial support, Chris stated that he does not want to be a salesman or feel like a salesman. Most missionaries will tell you that writing support letters and asking for money is so hard and so humbling! We ourselves feel nickeled and dimed all the time, and realize that our friends and families back in the U.S. are in the midst of a recession and many of you are trying to make ends meet. With that said and acknowledged, the reality of the matter is that God has called us to Burkina and He is asking for our church family and friends to invest into what HE has planned for people of Burkina. We are compelled to press through the discomfort we feel in asking and be obedient to what we know He has called us to do- serve the people of Burkina and ask our friends back home to partner with us in this mission in prayer and through finances. Because we know that God has called us here and has made the way, we unashamedly tell you that we need your help and investment!

We still have quite a bit of money that needs to be raised. Our church has been very gracious to our mission and out of our Christmas gift offering gave 15,000 towards the container that was sent with ministry supplies and our personal affects. They also gave an additional $30,000 towards our ministry/operating budget here on the field. Our budget here less ministry projects is $7300.00 per month, which was set by our sending agency after they analyzed exchange rates, fees, and the outrageous cost of electricity and groceries in Burkina for a family of seven. We were shocked to learn that electricity here is the most expensive in the world, and groceries are three times the price of what we have in America for a less quality product. Though it is very expensive to live here, we feel it is vital for a family to be here year round as it will enable West Ridge and the local missionary team here to double if not triple the ministry that will take place.

What are we asking?

We are praying for $40,000 in 40 Days

We need monthly supporters and one-time donations. Please pray about supporting us monthly or with a onetime donation! We are praying and believing that we will have $40,000 in cash or commitments in 40 days. Right now we have $3190.00 pledge towards our monthly budget of $7300.00 We need the remainder of this money pledged or given so that we can continue to invest into the people of Burkina. Will you partner with us?

If God has prompted your heart, we would love to get you all the information you need to make this happen. Please scroll down to the next page for donation and commitment instructions!

We are blessed and humbled and so appreciate your investment into God's work in Burkina and into our family! We covet your prayers for our family and for the people of Burkina!

With love,

Chris, Connie, Samuel, Noah, Silas, Isabella, Gabriella

P.s. ~To give a financial gift online is now an easier process with much of the guess-work having been dealt with.

However, to help with our records and to make sure your gift has been allocated accurately, would you please...

- Send us an e-mail notifying us that you've sent a financial gift...

- Let us know how you sent it (by check or Online)...

- Let us know who you sent it to (to West Ridge Church or The Christian & Missionary Alliance)

To Give Online
copy and past the link below-

Note: The link will refer to 15% going to the Great Commission Fund. This will not be the case for our project -our project will receive 100% of your gift.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Our Children's Prayer Request

During our family devotions this morning, we asked our children if they had specific prayer request.  I have typed them below in the verbage they used.

Samuel- Please pray that God will protect the Brooks and the Wells back in America. Please protect us here in Africa too.

Noah- Please pray that if Gram gets her knee replacement that she will be ok and that she can still come to see us.

Silas- I want you to pray that the time can go by fast and that Jonah can come here so I can see him. I just miss him so much.

Isabella-Please pray that the Africans can get more clothes. They only have one clothes and they need more.

Gabriella- I want to pray for all my family to get a lot of money to come and see us. I think Grammie will not come to see us because she is still not here and I want her to be o.k.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Princess Grace

Princess Grace

Here on the school campus, there is a church that meets and the pastor and his family live on the campus as well. This family has been a tremendous blessing to us. Grace is their three year old and she has been over twice to play with Gabriella. My kids like to kill and destroy when they play and we continue to work hard at keeping this under control.

Our home as well as our team center are protected by a cement wall that goes around the entire property. This week we have used the team center to help us set up our home by having boxes and tubs spread throughout the center with the ability to separate all our things and put them away in a more organized order. In one of the rooms, we have all the kids toys and games. There are about 10 tubs of misc. items from dolls, to dress-up clothes, balls, games, play dough, art supplies, etc. This is where my two girls and then Grace and her older sister were playing. Bella and Gabriella returned home and wanted to stay at the house after playing for about 2 ½ hours. I talked with Grace and her sister and Susanna their mom and told them they were more than welcome to stay and play even though my girls came home to rest. After about 3 more hours, I sent Isabella over to tell the girls that it was time to go home.

In an instant, Isabella busted through the door like she had just seen a vicious snake. She could not say fast enough, “Mommy, you are gonna be so mad and you will be a really yelling mommy! (I have done a great job at not being a yelling mommy when I get frustrated with the children. I asked them to help me with this…. Hence Isabella’s comment.) It is all killed and destroyed over there. I assumed that they had done their norm and had several too many toys out and had a lot to clean up. I told her we would get to it later and I was glad that they all had such a good time playing together.

Morning came and I went over to start working on unpacking some more boxes. When I entered what was the room with about 10 tubs of toys I for a moment wished I was dreaming! If I had been in America, I would have not just yelled but probably had to leave my home with intense anger. There was not one bit of the tile floor visible. Every tub was emptied. Every game was out of the box. Items made out of play dough and then balls of play dough were everywhere. Every crayon and marker was out of the box. Do you get just a little picture of what the room looked like…? Yep, I took a few breaths and walked away.

I began to unpack as I grumbled at how mad I was at myself for not doing a better job of checking in on the girls. I was also mad at the two girls for not being more respectful of the toys we were allowing and wanting them to enjoy…… It was then that in a sweet and gracious manner, I felt like the Lord was giving me a picture of the joy this room gave those two little girls. It was like me walking into a room with 100 different wedding cakes. I would be been so excited I would have done the same thing except that the cake would have been on the inside of my body; yet, the joy no different. The Lord quickly moved me to compassion and a joy that I prayed was a high in the lives of those two little girls. (Oh, they are totally welcome back and I want them to experience that same joy; however, I will do a much better job in directing their choices!)

Three days after this event, Susanna came over. She wanted me to know that the princess dress and princess shoes that the girls had given to Grace had not come off her body until this morning when she made Grace take it off so it could be washed. She noted that she even sleeps with the dress and shoes on. The comment that made me melt was that Grace said, “I’m a princess now!”

Our Arrival Newsletter

After being here two weeks, we have only grown more excited about what God is doing and honored that He is allowing us to be part of it! The children have adjusted even better than we expected. Connie has had a few moments of culture shock, but she as well loves being here. I think some of the hardest things for her have been: Having to filter and wash everything, getting the children to keep their hands away from their mouths, our feet always being dirty, and driving.

The Burkinabé (pronounced 'burkina-bay') people have welcomed us with open arms and smiling faces. Despite the fact that we have a wall built around our house, the Burkinabé children continue to stack bricks up so that they can climb the wall and get a little peak into our personal lives. Our children have already starting making some great friends. Even with the language barrier, they seem to communicate and love it. Noah has taught some of the boys to walk on their hands and to flip each other over the others back. Gabriella tried to teach the girls how to play freeze tag. She did not have success the first time but said, "Mommy maybe they will understand tomorrow." We do not go outside that our children are not the center of attention and they are loving it!

In these relationships our children have already made, there is already a neat foundation for us to share the love of Jesus. Though it is very expensive to live here, we feel it is vital for a family to be here year-round as it will enable West Ridge and the local missionary team here to multiply the ministry that will take place. We plan on spending the month of February finishing-up the bulk of our housing and Team Center setup, getting acclimated to our new community and doing some major crash French language learning. We will host our first team in March and plan on hosting two or more teams each month. We have already begun highlighting ways these teams can impact Burkina for the Kingdom. We are confident that God has good things for this place, and are excited that He is entrusting us with this mission!

In the days to come, we will be following up with an email specifically pertaining to our finances. Please be praying now about how you can be involved in this ministry!

Many Blessing Sent From Burkina Faso, West Africa!

Chris, Connie, Samuel, Noah, Silas, Isabella, Gabriella

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Three Little Pigs

For years I have said that if we ever build our own home I wanted to go to some extra measures in securing it. I wanted to make sure that our foundation was built solid. Not only in construction but even more so on the Word of God.

I have often reflected to one of my childhood favorite books, “The Three Little Pigs.” I think that this story is such an amazing picture of our lives, how we build our foundation, and how the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy us. On many occasions this is how this book has played out in my life….

Situation #1- In so many areas of my life I have been like pig #1. I pray on the go and I am not faithful meditating and being in the Word of God. I have so much to do and want to honor the Lord and know my need for Him, but I am so busy. I have so many things to get done even ministry related so I short change my time with the Lord. I need Him, but I need to hurry up so I can get to other things. I built my foundation for that day with hay. When the enemy came along it did not take much for him to destroy my home as I fell into pride, selfishness, envy, and jealously. I did not prepare for his attack the way I should have.

Situation #2- I have also been like Pig #2. I have prepared a little more by spending more time in the Word, being in a more regular time of prayer, and even going to Bible Study. I have built my house with wood. It was a little stronger and more resistant to the flames against the devil.

Situation #3- This is the pig I always want to be like. I want my foundation strong. I know to always be on the alert because the day I entered into a relationship with God, I entered a battlefield. I know that it took much longer for pig number three to build his house, but he knew the importance of a strong foundation that would provide great protection for him.

Our home here is definitely built African style. It is all cement walls and the construction is not nearly what we are accustom to in America; however, we are indeed wanting to make sure that we build our strong foundation on the Word of God. Over the past two days we have allowed the children to cover the walls with scripture, prayers, and praise and adoration to the Lord. Soon our paint will come and we will cover all the writing up, but it will in no way cover up the power in which we built the spiritual walls of our home.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Big Day For Isabella

I learned how to tie my shoes.

Isabella's Explanation: My friend Sarah with the long hair who is in my class and in my neighborhood taught me how to put one string under the other and then pull it tight. She then taught me how to make two loops. Well, today my mom showed me the rest and now I can tie my shoes. Mommy, Can you make sure that everyone knows that I can tie my own shoes now. 

Every word was said with a HUGE smile on her face!

In the light of eternity, learning to tie your shoes is really not a huge deal; however, this is a huge accomplishment! God is so good and encouraged me to see each step we take here as a huge accomplishment no matter how small it may seem. Today, I sifted my flour to make sure that there were no bugs enjoying my flour before I used it. Another life-saver missionary here told me that you have to keep flour in your freezer and at times the flour contains bugs. You simply sift the flour and this will separate any bugs that may have made their way into the bag. GROSE! Can I ever use flour in Burkina? Well, in light of eternity, sifting flour for bugs is not a huge deal; however, this is a huge accomplishment for me!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Would you give up a rock?

We picked up a daily routine from my sister and brother in law… Each evening, normally at dinner we go around the table and are able to share a high of our day and a low. Last night as we were eating, each child’s high was, “I have African friends now!”

After school today we allowed the children to go outside the wall of our home and play with all the children attending the boarding school that is across from our home. Our children had a minimum of 20-30 children around each one of them. They were all exchanging names and then the playing began. Samuel went and practiced the long jump. Noah played soccer. Silas went with some to see their classrooms and then off to soccer. Isabella and Gabriella played with a few girls right by our gate and danced and laughed. Despite the language barrier, they had an awesome time.

One thing that the children kept saying was, “Mom, they are just all so nice to us. I did not think they would be this nice.” Silas continues, “There was even this one boy that got up of his rock that he was sitting on and wanted me to have a seat. Mom that was so nice because he then did not have a place to sit.” I found myself inwardly rejoicing at these small yet really huge lessons my children are learning first hand. We were able to talk about how selfless these kids have been. They are doing it because most of their hearts are good and we are the white people; however, if we were to respond the same way, it is because we can show them the love of Jesus though our actions.

I have do unto others as you would have them do unto you a million times, but last night conviction hit my own heart. I can honestly tell you that my heart is to honor other and to show the love of Jesus, but conviction hit and I saw even in my own heart I am not always willing to give up my rock for the sake of someone else. I will at times rationalize, but I already did 4 times this week and me having a turn is o.k. And it is, but my conviction fell upon the times the Holy Spirit has nudged me to move and I have not.

A challenge I have to not only gave myself but my children: Show the love of Jesus by letting someone else have the seat on the rock when you may have no other place to sit….. In whatever situation this is! I challenge you as well!

Comments that have made us laugh

Samuel and Silas decided that they wanted to go through the suitcase and pick out their own clothes. Noah does pretty well at picking things that match, but the other two have just not arrived yet. The conversation went something like this, “ Boys, those clothes do not match!” Samuel’s reply, “Mom no one and I mean no one in Africa matches their clothes.” Silas cuts him off, “I know and that means we are really like Africans now!” Needless to say, I did not make them change even though it killed me.

Silas has been welcomed with open arms in his class… Almost too open. I was going through his back pack and found all these little pieces of paper. He loves to make tickets so I was going to throw them away. I noticed a heart on one and of course had to check it out. When I began to read these notes, I was amused. I asked Silas what they were and he said, “Mom, they are love notes. Really and I am not lying- all the kids in my class love me and want me to be their boyfriend.” He proceeded, “Even the boys want me to be their best friend.” My favorite said…

Classmate, “Do you like me?” Silas, “Why?” Classmate, “Because I like you.” “And because I can give you many. (money)” “ I can give you this much 1000.” Silas did not write her back. I was pleased with this because Chris and I are not big on the children having girlfriends and boyfriends this young. My thankfulness came to a screeching halt when he asked, “How much is 1000 in American money?” When I told him about $2.00… He proceeded as he runs off to play, “That is a rip off!” My immediate thought…Come one Silas, at what price would you have said yes? Chris and I obviously have a lot of work to do!

Monday, February 1, 2010


How often do you hear, “There are Camels coming down the road?” In a couple minutes Chris, the girls, and all the pastors in the house with cameras in hand headed to the road for a view of the Camels. Another missionary stopped the Tauregs (Guys you see in the picture) and asked if they would give rides. They inclined for a charge and the rides began!

We have gone from Pump It Up and Chuck E Cheese to camel rides… Who would have ever imagined!!


Today the boys are off to school and the girls and I have done a little home schooling. This went better than expected, but still something I am not in love with. I was working with Isabella and Gabriella was just doodling on a separate page waiting for me. When I finished with Isabella, Gab gave me her paper and said what does this spell. I replied really nothing. She said, Yes it does. It says Uncle Tod I love you.

One thing that we did do this morning that was very fun is make homemade lemonade. I have never done this with the kids in the States. For one, it is a mess, two they normally would fight, three it takes so much time, and lastly... I am just too busy!

I am glad we had the time to do this together. It was not only fun, but I enjoyed the girls. It also did not take much time at all. I pray that I will take full advantage of this extra time with the children. Tonight we will sit down to set our monthly goals.....