Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hello Day Number 2 in Africa

This morning it took quite some time to wake the children up. Silas opened his eyes and with a voice of a talk show host said, "Hello day #2 in Africa!"

It has been a good day. The children got to see where they will live and all were excited about their rooms. They have done much better than we expected and know that prayer continues to make a difference... please don't stop! They have all been so tired today and now that it is time to lie down and sleep, they are wound up.

Today, the children have asked many questions about the poverty. It has been something that has been good for them to see. They have seen kids with torn cloths, people using the bathroom outside, and they do not like that air condition is not a common use.

Chris and I will have to start driving soon. As much as I love to drive, I am not ready to get on the roads here. The kids will go tomorrow around 10:00 to meet their teachers and then start school Friday. They are all very excited!

Oh, Grammy… Gabriella would like to know if you are packing your stuff to move here? She said that she will put your bed in her room!


  1. Connie, This is Valarie (Wood) Blasczyk. I love reading the updates and I look forward to reading more. My blog is private. If you ever want to read it, let me know and I'll add your email address. You have all my love & prayers!
