Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Just Because Pictures

Sometimes the books I say are the best ever are the books that have so hit me right where I was at during the time I read the book.

So I love Beth Moore but in all honesty, I have not done many of her Bible studies. When I arrived in Africa, I was told about a ladies Bible study that took place with other English speaking women in Ouaga. I went for the fellowship more than anything in the beginning, but have found that God really did not have the fellowship as the first priority in my life. One thing after another has kept me from being with the ladies, but it has not kept me from being in the study or the Word!

Well, the study we are doing right now is Living Beyond Yourself. I honestly have wanted to send Beth a picture of myself and ask her personally if she saw a vision of me when she wrote this study. I think Shattered Dreams by Larry Crabb is the only other book that I have read that has been frightening at how the writings and encouragement in the book reflected the things that were so fresh in my life.

I feel terrible to say that I never dreamed that a study on the Fruits of the Spirit would be so amazing and help me to identify things in my life being related to a lack of a certain fruit. This is even more embarrassing to say after thinking that I have been a Christian for 28 years.

A couple weeks ago was on peace. Most are familiar with the story of Job. We know he had intense trials and we always say we sure don’t want to be in a “Job” experience. Though I have read Job in the past and have heard the story many times, it was so good to go back and re-read the story of Job and to pay closer attention to each detail. I honestly cried as I read verse after verse at how the enemy tried to rip his life apart and God allowed it. Job was not going through this because he has sin in his life.. this was not about God pruning him. The enemy just wanted to prove that he would indeed crack and turn against God. In the first round all his children and possessions were taken from him not to mention all in one day! What did he do in response…? Ripped off his clothes and bowed before the lord and worshiped.

I must confess that there have been circumstances in my life that have caused me intense pain, but I did not bow before the Lord and worship as Job did.

I have really been challenged to worship Him in all things great and small, good and bad, and when I understand and when I don’t.

May the peace that passes all understanding fill you and every circumstance you may be facing as you worship Him!

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