Tuesday, March 16, 2010

American Menu with our African Friends

Menu for the night:

Fried Chicken

Green Beans




Cake topped with strawberries and cream

AND- soft drinks…Coke, Fanta, Sprite

What a blessing for our family… We had Pastor Agabus and his family over for dinner. It was the first time their immediate family has had a meal with a white American family. When they arrived, the children were dressed in their Sunday attire. This alone was an honor to us. Normally the Africans do not eat in front of white people unless a close relationship has been formed for the most part. At an event this would be different, but in your home it is not normal for them to eat in front of you.

A few things they found funny: They do not normally eat with silverware. Though it was beside the plate, we encouraged them to eat how they were most comfortable. Chris even started eating first and made sure he used his hands in picking up his chicken. All the children wanted to use the utensils; however, they had no idea how. Pastor Agabus was a great sport with his kids and even teased them in a healthy light hearted way. One of them tried to use the spoon to cut her bread and they all laughed. They all loved dipping everything in the BBQ sauce. In all my years of cooking for American friends, I have never had anyone literally eat every single bit of meat off the bone. This is not a family that starves. I felt pretty confident that they enjoyed the meal!

After the meal, all of the children went to the TV and we put on “The Incredibles” in French. The children were glued to the TV and I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed watching our children watch a movie together knowing how much they all were enjoying being together. We were not Africans and Americans, blacks and whites- We were brothers and sisters in the Lord and it was a very special time for all of us!

We had a sweet time of fellowship and really felt encouraged by Agabus and Suzanne. He really stressed that even though we are in a different culture, we still needed to be ourselves. God has a purpose in us being here and we do not need to make any changes to who we are for that to happen. They also expressed that they are extremely excited that West Ridge Church has been such a huge encouragement in sending us out here as well as all that they have done before our arrival. He feels very blessed that we are here to help them in bringing the name of Jesus to this village and students at the LAC, the Pougali people group, and to also assist in ministry in Sector 30 which is the poorest area in Ouagadougou.

Susanne has taken a position and will be helping me cook and prepare all the meals for the teams that come. Well, more so… I will be helping her. She is amazing and they both are very excited to have teams come and meet each one personally. When are you going to sign up?

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